Yi Lan Green Expo had been founded at 2000, we try to convey our idea of friendly environment and green concept by theme exhibition, outdoor teaching and enterainment. After 22 years transformation, we had accumulate our yearn and practice of the healty nature environment, display by combining culture and arts, creating beautiful garden views, strengthen the foundation of ecosystem, assisting levels of tradition industries, improve the development of local Tourism industry. The Green Expo had become a huge specific activity of environment education then the others in nationwide.
At 2021, the Yi Lan Green Expo had to face the healing of the souls after the coronavirus epidemic, we named it the theme as「Castle of Hope」, by connecting the concept of 「Sustainable Development Goals, SGDs」 , to tell the lessons during our exhibition by experience through education and activities about the Global climate change, ecological species conservation, sustainable agriculture & fishery, guarding the ocean, green energies, plastic reductions, a 「Castle of Hope」known as understanding the nature. We love to praise the concept of 「People are great because of their dreams, dreams are realized because of people」 by Don Quixote the knight of dreams with installation art, puppet show, brand new compose songs, and display of the theme pavilions.
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